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Showing posts from October, 2016

#145-Leveraging the Advanced Capabilities of the Gemini Ecosystem, Google Is Setting New Standards for What AI Can Achieve, by Virtue of Sundar Pichai’s Unwavering Commitment to Excellence #special

Introduction Gemini, Google's most elegant AI, is set to transform industries with its advanced technology and user-friendly solutions. Google's commitment to pushing the boundaries of AI is evident in the development of the Gemini ecosystem. This advanced AI system is designed to handle complex tasks with precision and efficiency, making it a game-changer in the world of artificial intelligence. Businesses across different sectors are leveraging the power of Gemini to streamline operations, improve decision-making processes, and drive growth. By harnessing Google's most capable AI through the Gemini ecosystem, organizations can unlock new opportunities for innovation and stay ahead in today's competitive landscape. As Google continues to refine and expand the capabilities of Gemini, we can expect even more groundbreaking applications that will shape the future of AI technology. The possibilities are endless with Google's most capable AI leading the way towards a s

#68-10 Must-Have Google Play Apps for Senior Citizens in India

The legal definition of a "senior citizen" in India is any person of age sixty years or above. NDTV reports, there were  10.38 crore (103.8 M) senior citizens in the entire country in 2011. The number was 7.66 crore (76.6 M) in 2001. Senior citizens population is increasing at a fast pace and in 2050, one-fifth of the population will be senior citizens. Senior citizens are of great importance to the society as young people learn the principles of life from them and their advice is considered of great value. It is the collective responsibility of the society to ensure the happiness of senior citizens. In an attempt to appreciate the contributions of elders, we present here 10 must-have Android apps for senior citizens in India. Lumosity - Brain Training from Lumos Labs, Inc. is an awesome app used by over 70 M users in the world. It improves brain functions of the user through captivating games. The games will challenge you and in the process, your memory and concent

#67-Samsung Smart Class Initiative Is Revolutionizing Education in Rural India

Sadanand Ugale was born in Chinchada, a remote village in Maharashtra. Today, the entire country knows his name. Sadanand was a brilliant student from the beginning. The teachers of the village school advised Sadanand's father to send Sadanand to Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya of Kannad. His parents did not think twice before sending their son to Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya of Kannad. Sadanand joined Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya and experienced the benefits of Samsung Smart Class Initiative and that totally changed his learning experience. The smart learning process offered by Samsung Smart Class Initiative played an important role in his development. Sadanand got selected as one of the fifteen students for representing India at the International Science School in Sydney, Australia. Sadanand's research project was based on the topic "seasonal diseases". The project was selected by the Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti and it was submitted in National School Congress 2014 Edition

#66-Is Airblock the Coolest Drone in the Market?

Who doesn't love drones? Drones are not used by the military only nowadays. Use of civilian drones is rising at a very fast pace. The New York Times reports, "about two million consumer drones, or unmanned aerial vehicles, will be sold worldwide this year alone." Civilian drones are used for a multitude of purposes. The farmers use drones for scanning vast swaths of lands. Security officers in big companies use drones for keeping company infrastructure secure. Drones are also used in parties for entertainment. Drones are used in the entertainment industry. Spring , a movie released in 2014, is a wonderful example of how drone shots can make a low-budget movie visually appealing. Teal Group, a leading aerospace and defense research company, estimated that the total sales of military drones and civilian drones will touch almost $90 B by 2023. Drones have indeed come a long way since they were first used by the Central Intelligence Agency on February 4, 2002. Airblock

#65-Speech Synthesis Using JavaScript

Google defines speech synthesis as "the process of generating spoken language by machine on the basis of written input." Tech Target   defines speech synthesis as "computer-generated simulation of human speech". Macmillan Dictionary  offers a more straightforward definition of speech synthesis, it defines speech synthesis as, "a process in which a computer produces sounds that are similar to human speech". We can see applications of speech synthesis in many places in our daily lives. For instance, when we call mobile network customer support for Personal Unblocking Code, we encounter the network's Automated Voice Response System which makes use of speech synthesis. Speech synthesis is an important automation technology which eliminates the need for humans in structured interactions and by doing so improves an organization's bottom line by a significant margin and also guarantees customer satisfaction in nearly every interaction. You can underst

#64-Chrome Developer Tools: How to Change a Website's Code Live?

The definition of the Chrome Developer Tools, also known as the Chrome DevTools offered by Google Developers documentation is this, "The Chrome DevTools are a set of web authoring and debugging tools built into Google Chrome. Use the DevTools to iterate, debug and profile your site." One among many good things about Google's documentations is, the definitions are crystal-clear and even a person who has very basic understanding of the computers and the web can understand the definitions, with a little research. The definition of Chrome Developer Tools is not an exception. If you are worried about the second part, you can skip that for now. Focus on the first part. The meaning of the term "web authoring" simply means building a website. "Debugging" means to "identify and remove errors from (computer hardware or software)." Debugging a website means to find out and fix errors on the website. When a website is built it is necessary to test it t

#63-Here's How LinkedIn Learning Is Revolutionizing Professional Skill Development

LinkedIn is "the world's largest professional network." Are you a start-up CEO? Do you want to raise funds for your start-up? Do you want to connect with venture capitalists? You cannot do that without LinkedIn. Want to follow influencers in your industry? You need LinkedIn. Want to present a complete professional profile to recruiters to land your dream job? You need LinkedIn. Founded in 2002, in time LinkedIn has grown into a huge network of over 433 M professionals. Jeff Weiner is the Chief Executive Officer of LinkedIn. LinkedIn has around 10,855 employees (2016). LinkedIn is inviting professionals to develop new skills on its newly launched e-learning platform LinkedIn Learning, totally free of cost from October 24-30, 2016 (Week of Learning). Let's understand what this means. Announced on September 22, 2016, in LinkedIn's The Learning Blog, LinkedIn Learning is the best platform for professionals to develop themselves continuously with the ever-chang

#62-Irritated by Small Smartphone Screens? The Superbook Is Coming to Make Your Life Comfortable

There are approximately 2.1 B smartphone users in the world right now (2016). Digital Trends reports, in 2020, 6.1 B people will use smartphones. The US alone has 207.1 M smartphone users (2016). In the US, almost two-thirds  of adults own a smartphone. The smartphone has become inseparable from a modern man's life. Smartphones are compact in shape. Smartphones can be carried in a pocket, in a briefcase, or in a backpack. There are very few tasks which can be done on desktop or laptop computers but not on smartphones. We use smartphones for everything, from calorie counting to sending reports to our bosses, from gaming to photography, from watching music videos to reading recipes, and much more. When we carry our smartphones in our hands, we do not carry a device, we carry our lives. Use of smartphone gives a person millions of advantages in their daily life but, despite all the positives, smartphones do not come completely free of negative side effects. In a recently publish

#61-Simple Automation: Use JavaScript to Click a Link on a Web Page

In this article, we are going to discuss how you can use JavaScript or JS for simple automation, more specifically, we will discuss how you can use JS to click a link on a web page. We will take a particular web page as an example but the instructions are applicable to any web page. Before we begin, let's have a glance at what automation is and why it can make your daily life easier. Searching the word "automation" in Google gives around 284 M results. Google defines "automation" as "the use of largely automatic equipment in a system of manufacturing or other production process."  Merriam-Webster defines "automation" as "the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate automatically."  Oxford Dictionaries defines "automation" as, "The use or introduction of automatic equipment in a manufacturing or other process or facility." The best English definition of "automation" is prob

#60-What Are You Willing to Do for a MATE?

MATE, "the coolest and most affordable eBike", has already attracted a lot of attention from all over the world. Right at this moment, on international crowdfunding platform Indiegogo, the project has  5,169 backers. It is 4256% funded at the moment and in case you are thinking, that wasn't a typographical error. It is also the number seven "most funded campaign ever" on the platform. MATE has already been featured by leading international news outlets a lot of times and you really don't need to have one thousand IQ to understand the product's enormous potential. MATE is from Denmark. The brother-and-sister team of Christian Adel Michael & Julie Kronstrøm Carton is behind this marvelous bike. Christian has years of expertise in the manufacturing sector. He is the kind of guy who does not like to just meet the deadlines, he loves to beat them. The operations of the company run by Christian and Julie spread the entire Northern Europe. MATE is a

#59-eCozy: Heating Can Be Cool Too

Around 5,000 kWh to 30,000 kWh energy is used per year for heating a standard home situated in a mild climate area. The heating techniques used vary greatly in different locations. Diversity can also be observed in heating ingredients. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports, around 85% of the US households use electricity or natural gas for heating, and above 10% rely on propane or heating oil. Different types of heating systems are available on the market and each comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. The majority of homeowners see heating as a real headache. It didn't take Andre Kholodov, the Chief Executive Officer of eCozy, long to understand this widespread dissatisfaction among general people regarding heating. He and his team began searching the perfect solution to the problem. The result was an award-winning smart heating solution which soon won the hearts of millions. The product not only has an attractive look, it is also extremely

#58-Snoppa M1: Get This and You Will Never Have to Worry About Shaky Smartphone Camera

According to the information available from Statista, the leading statistics and studies publication portal, at the moment, there are around 2,082.7 million smartphones and in 2018, there will be 2,480.4 million smartphones. Today's smartphones support recording videos at very high resolution. For instance, iPhone 7 Plus comes with " 12MP wide-angle and telephoto cameras." Nokia Lumia 1520 comes with 20 MP primary camera which can record videos in 2160p at 30fps and supports stereo sound recording. Samsung Galaxy S7 has a 12 MP primary camera with a lot of advanced features. In order to produce a stunning video, a high-end smartphone camera is not enough. Almost everyone, who has used a smartphone at least once is aware of the fact that videos produced through smartphones are often of poor quality due to camera shakes. A shaky camera results in a bad video which sometimes causes irritation when watched. These shaky videos might soon become a thing of the past as