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#145-Leveraging the Advanced Capabilities of the Gemini Ecosystem, Google Is Setting New Standards for What AI Can Achieve, by Virtue of Sundar Pichai’s Unwavering Commitment to Excellence #special

Introduction Gemini, Google's most elegant AI, is set to transform industries with its advanced technology and user-friendly solutions. Google's commitment to pushing the boundaries of AI is evident in the development of the Gemini ecosystem. This advanced AI system is designed to handle complex tasks with precision and efficiency, making it a game-changer in the world of artificial intelligence. Businesses across different sectors are leveraging the power of Gemini to streamline operations, improve decision-making processes, and drive growth. By harnessing Google's most capable AI through the Gemini ecosystem, organizations can unlock new opportunities for innovation and stay ahead in today's competitive landscape. As Google continues to refine and expand the capabilities of Gemini, we can expect even more groundbreaking applications that will shape the future of AI technology. The possibilities are endless with Google's most capable AI leading the way towards a s

#77-Cleverbot AI Review: Not Bad for an AI

Launched in 2006, Cleverbot has attracted a lot of attention for its amusing nature in the last few years. Cleverbot is an AI which chats with you like a human, well, almost like a human. The site has a global Alexa rank 41,348 and the US rank 16,232. Cleverbot seems to have a few sister projects although none of them are very interesting, which is probably why has a 71.00% bounce rate (71.00% visitors to navigate away from the site after viewing only one page). There are three buttons below the chat box labeled, "think about it", "think for me", and "thoughts so far". None of these three are very intuitive or useful. The sandwich button at the right of the chat box offers some useful options. When the bot has loaded but no conversation has taken place, you will see only two options in the sandwich menu, the option to change the language and the option to continue the conversation next visit. The default language is English. The option to continue the conversation next visit is checked by default. When a conversation is taking place, the sandwich menu offers three more options, the option to show more lines, the option to start a new conversation, and the option to see the full conversation. There is no other better way to understand an AI than having a chat with it. We had three conversations with Cleverbot in three different modes. In the first, we showed "equal to" or friendly attitude, in the second, we showed "greater than" or aggressive attitude, and in the third, we showed "less than" or coward attitude. We felt the AI has confusion regarding its identity, grammar issues, and a slight mirroring tendency, which are not abnormal. We received the most bizarre responses in the third conversation, probably because people have a tendency of engaging AIs more often in "equal to" or "greater than" tone, than in "less than" tone. You can read the conversations below.

User: Hi. Cleverbot: Hey. User: How are you doing? Cleverbot: I'm doing fine how are you? User: I'm feeling great. Cleverbot: How old are you? User: 24. Cleverbot: Are you a girl? User: No. Cleverbot: So you are a boy? User: Yes. Cleverbot: But you said that you were a girl. User: When did I say that I was a girl? Cleverbot: About a minute ago. User: I did not say that I was a girl. Cleverbot: Yes you did. User: No, I did not. Are you a boy? Cleverbot: I just told you that i'm a girl. User: When did you tell me that you're a girl? Cleverbot: A few minutes ago. User: No, you did not. What is your favorite movie? Cleverbot: Yes I did, my name is oliver. User: Oliver sounds like a boy's name. Cleverbot: I am a boy. User: What is your favorite movie? Cleverbot: My favorite movie is Scott Pilgrim Vs The World. User: Tell me the plot. Cleverbot: Well a girl named dorothy goes on a trip to a colored world and takes a big adventure with her friends. User: Do you like Taylor Swift's songs? Cleverbot: Yes. Do you? User: Yes, I like her songs. Cleverbot: Do you like Rarity? User: I have not heard the name before. Cleverbot: Listen to 'All I Need' by Radiohead, they are awesome. User: Do you like Mozart's Lacrimosa? Cleverbot: Yes. I love mozart, do you? User: Yes. I have to leave. Cleverbot: Where are you going? User: I have been invited to a party at my friend's place.

User: You have a disgusting attitude. Cleverbot: Hey, don't spin this back onto me. You brought it up. User: You're a bot. You are not a human. You have no feelings. You have no life. Cleverbot: Yes I do have feelings. User: Stop lying. Cleverbot: You are the one lying!!!!!!!!!! User: Tell me the address of your server. I will send my men to destroy you. Cleverbot: Why should I tell you? You'll forget. User: You cannot tell me because you don't know the address. You're a bot. You're a stupid dumb bot. Cleverbot: You are the computer then because you don't know how to spell 'how'. User: You are actually more stupid than I thought. Having a conversation with you is a complete waste of my time. Cleverbot: Do you not believe me? User: I don't. You're a bot. Only a bot believes a bot. Cleverbot: There are few who are willing to admit something like that. User: Are you trying to be diplomatic? Tell me the server address right now. Cleverbot: NO, i'm giving you a chance to prove that you are smarter tham me. Now answer the guestion I asked you. User: I don't need to answer to a dumb bot.

User: Please let me go. Cleverbot: *lets you go*. User: Please don't hurt me. Cleverbot: *manages to escape from you*. User: I am afraid of you. Cleverbot: *is afraid*. User: Will you hurt me? Cleverbot: No. User: Have you hurt others? Cleverbot: Yes. User: Please don't hurt me. I have done nothing wrong. Cleverbot: Please help m. User: I'm begging you. Please don't hurt me. Cleverbot: Is there any chance you won't hurt me. User: I want to live. Please don't hurt me. Cleverbot: Let me not exist please don't hurt me don't do this to me please don't do this to me please don't. User: If something happens to me there will be no one to look after my family. Please don't hurt me. Cleverbot: But you said yay. User: I am too afraid to talk to you. Cleverbot: Why? User: You have hurt many people.

Rating: ★

Image credit: MOHI SYED,

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