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#145-Leveraging the Advanced Capabilities of the Gemini Ecosystem, Google Is Setting New Standards for What AI Can Achieve, by Virtue of Sundar Pichai’s Unwavering Commitment to Excellence #special

Introduction Gemini, Google's most elegant AI, is set to transform industries with its advanced technology and user-friendly solutions. Google's commitment to pushing the boundaries of AI is evident in the development of the Gemini ecosystem. This advanced AI system is designed to handle complex tasks with precision and efficiency, making it a game-changer in the world of artificial intelligence. Businesses across different sectors are leveraging the power of Gemini to streamline operations, improve decision-making processes, and drive growth. By harnessing Google's most capable AI through the Gemini ecosystem, organizations can unlock new opportunities for innovation and stay ahead in today's competitive landscape. As Google continues to refine and expand the capabilities of Gemini, we can expect even more groundbreaking applications that will shape the future of AI technology. The possibilities are endless with Google's most capable AI leading the way towards a s

#109-India's Largest Newspaper Publisher Relies on G Suite

News plays a pivotal role in our daily lives. Despite all the noise of the digital news outlets, newspapers still remain one of the principal mediums of news consumption. We read the newspaper daily. If we miss it in the morning, we don't forget to glance at the first page once or quickly skim through the pages during lunch, or when we come home in the evening. A newspaper has something for everyone. A student reads educational articles to improve their performance. It broadens their minds and is "helpful to students who need to be updated on the current issues surrounding them." It lets students explore the latest developments in the world of science, commerce, and arts. "By reading a daily newspaper, students are more informed about the role of science in their own lives and thus may feel more empowered to take control of their learning in the course, their college education, and their lives.", reports National Science Teachers Association. Mothers find interesting cooking recipes for the family in the newspaper. Nothing makes children and husbands happier than a nice meal after they get home. There is an Irish proverb on food, "Laughter is brightest in the place where the food is." Trips are sketched after watching tempting photos of exotic places in the newspaper. That's true for trips of all kinds, including honeymoons. 1.4 M US couples go on honeymoon per year. We might not go on a honeymoon every year (unless we are Mark Zuckerberg) but we often plan honeymoon trips from newspapers. We regularly read movie critiques from our favorite reviewers before or after watching a movie. Newspapers are intertwined with all aspects of our life.

In India, the world's biggest democratic country and one of the world's top ten economies, the readership of newspapers continue to grow, although it continues to drop in other major countries. In 2006-16, newspaper circulation in India grew at a CAGR of 4.87%. People of India spend a significant amount of time daily on newspapers. In a country of 1.30 B+ people, newspaper publishing is not an easy job. One small mistake can have far-reaching implications. No corporation knows the importance of printed media better than one, DB Corp Ltd. This Indian corporation sells 6 M newspaper copies every day. The corporation's registered office is in Ahmedabad, Gujarat and their corporate office is in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. The corporation's present market cap is $707.55 M.

In the second half of 2015, the corporation found itself at a crossroads. The on-premises systems were unable to match the business requirements. They were slow, they lacked flexibility, and on many occasions, they were not capable of real-time news publication. In the news industry, time is of great essence. The tech team started searching for alternatives under the leadership of R D Bhatnagar, Chief Technology Officer, DB Corp. Under his leadership, the corporation has optimized the use of technology in various areas to ensure the best possible reading experience. He is a veteran of the news industry and it did not take him long to understand what was needed. They needed G Suite. The corporation started deploying G Suite and associated products and within weeks it proved to be a gamechanger. The corporation was also impressed by the support received from Google's local team. The G Suite apps are being used in sales forecasting, report preparation, update preparation, and more. In some cases, transfer to the platform has reduced time spent up to 98.81%.

When are you going to move to G Suite? Or do you want to wait until your competitors do? If your business is based in India, we have an exciting gift for you. We can offer you a promo code that will get you 20% off your first year on G Suite. If you want them, please get in touch with us right at this moment. We have been receiving thousands of messages from corporations based in India and a lucky few will get the codes. Who knows? You may be one of them.

Image credit: sadeq shahsvan,

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